disturbing truth
4 March 2019
In this story there is plenty of guilt to go around. Michael clearly was a disturbed person who to a large degree was cultivated into what he became as a result of his upbringing and abuse at the hands of his parents especially his father Joe who was mean-spirited and regularly beat and smacked Micheal around if he didn't directly follow his demands. This does not absolve Micheal from the terrible things he did, but his situation did cultivate Michael to have a "separate" world or personality in his mind that only he could get to. This is a survival mechanism of our minds that often happens to mind control victims, so this is a reasoning for his strange psychological behavior. In his new personality HE was in control, and he realized this and once he became rich and famous he and his secret personality could get away with just about anything, and having been conditioned to being so secret to himself as to avoid abuse from his father is how he became so "strange" because NOW he didn't have to listen to anyone, and everyone suddenly had to listen to him. I believe that's how Michael became so disturbed, and anyone who suggested he needed help or was weird was fired. He now was under control, and was conditioned to being sneaky and in a way I think the fact that people were "concerned" about his strangeness only encouraged him to be more strange or as strange as he wanted to be almost as a sub-conscious punishment to those who caused him to be so unnatural. His story is a sad cautionary lesson for humanity in the future to recognize these traits and behaviors and to intervene somehow to get help for everyone involved. If there is a big villian in this story Michael's father is just as big or worse than Michael because his motivation was MONEY, and he collected massively from Michael, and Michael probably just wanted to be a normal kid, but was prevented from that, and I hope as witnesses we all learned something from that story.

Why else would he want to sleep in the same bed as pre-teen boys so often? His staff say that none of them ever saw him show any kind of physical intimacy with a woman, even his two wives, and the mother of his children whom he was married to has said that they never once had sex together. He had a full staff around him his entire life, including security everywhere he went, yet in his entire life he was never interested in a single woman, but instead chose to sleep with young boys without anyone around and alarms throughout the hallway leading to his bedroom, although he had extreme security and that hall was the only part of his house that he went to extreme measures. He could have had security outside his door if he was worried about anyone getting that close to him at night, but the alarms were set to only alert him in his bedroom without being heard from the hall.
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