Voyagers!: Created Equal (1982)
Season 1, Episode 2
3 March 2019
Human slavery is the thread for the two time travelers in this Voyager stories. Both Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones first go to Rome where they are captured. Jon-Erik Hexum is pressed into service as a boy toy for a Roman lady and Meeno Peluce as someone for a little girl to play with. The Omni gets them out.

After that it's on to Hannibal, Missouri where they run into both a young Sam Clemens and Harriet Tubman played by Fay Hauser. As Tubman was never in Missouri and she did her escaping from slavery and her Underground Railroad thing in the our mid-Atlantic states this is really a bit of literary license.

Hexum wins her freedom with some tricks of his own.

Back to ancient Rome where circumstance has Hexum in the arena with Dan Pastorini playing Spartacus. That one's a bit dicey for a while as either Bogg's voyaging might end or Spartacus may never get to lead a slave revolt.

A bit of Hollywood type authenticity is in this story as Jay Robinson whose most famous role was that of Caligula in The Robe plays a decadent Roman aristocrat who loves watching evenly matched hunks in the arena.

History of course is righted and it's on to the next red light time and place.
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