The Closer: Serving the King: Part 1 (2006)
Season 2, Episode 14
So, Andrew, what's it going to be?
1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A review of Part I being above average fare is only in anticipation of Part II being seen. This should have been a ninety-minute single episode, being the story ties together better when watched continuously and there is no more than an hour-and-a-half of pertinent film to show.

A clandestine case has Brenda solving with the help of certain CIA agents, past and present. Her administrative leave is ongoing, she is frustrated sitting at home, Fritz goes to work and Taylor dismantles her squad. The murder of the young male calls her to an old acquaintance, Andrew Schmidt, who has been summoned to solve an espionage caper due to a traitor in the CIA ranks; Andrew recruits Brenda.

The murder of a teen-age boy has Robbery-Homicide called to a new development site where the youth's body is on the ground with bullet holes in him. Pope says Andrew can make the FBI investigation go away in exchange for Brenda helping the CIA. Andrew declares the company wants you to help them. If you did help the company, they would make certain you got your job back, as an expression of thanks. Brenda says how can I help?

Pope hands her a folder, and expounds on news that Malik Fara was killed last night. Andrew adds Commander Taylor lacks the critical data to solve this crime. The death of Malik Fara was almost certainly a mistake, the intended victim, if he is still alive, is in terrible danger. Malik's murder is proof there is a significant breach in agency security, therefore the company cannot rely on normal channels, so they have reached out to retired personnel such as you and me. They don't trust their own people? They do not, answers Andrew.

Brenda's mission is to catch Malik's killer and secure the identity of his contact. Brenda has no problem looking for Malik's killer, but to locate a defector is out of her current practice. Andrew confides in Brenda there is an amount of separated plutonium in the hands of these terrorists to build an atomic bomb. I need to find that plutonium and I need you to help me. Brenda changes her mind and promises Andrew she will help him.

Brenda with Lieutenant's Flynn and Provenza visit the crime scene lot at night. Provenza finds a flashlight, Brenda pulls a transmitter out of it, explaining how Malik was followed to the location.

From Brenda's living room, Sgt. Gabriel has joined the group, as Brenda reviews the case. Malik's friend must be foreign because he requested U.S. citizenship, he also asked for immunity from prosecution so he has participated in criminal activity, probably terrorism. Flynn describes one of the guys chasing Malik as a size twelve shoe with a stride left in the soft dirt indicating he was at least six feet tall. Brenda requests Flynn and Gabriel copy the Malik murder book without Taylor knowing; also, please obtain the killer's DNA from that knife. Gabriel and Flynn leave Brenda's house, Provenza hangs, to learn he is needed if anything happens to Brenda. She lays out tomorrow's itinerary, meeting with Richard Branch, head of the CIA in Los Angeles. Brenda tells Provenza he needs to know everything she has done so far, but he can't be at any of the interviews, and the CIA cannot know about it. Provenza says, okay, 007, just tell me what you want me to do. Chief Johnson will be wearing a wire.

Brenda is being driven around by Richard Branch, Provenza is listening to their conversation in the surveillance van; Buzz is driving and Brenda is obviously wired. They visit Elaine Donahue, demoted CIA agent. Elaine cannot explain how Malik came to know all about the activity and the agent names. She suggests Brenda talk to Larry Cole to find where the real money was changing hands. Cole gives the name of a former KGB agent and Brenda gets the Voitski address from talking with Cole. Brenda picks the lock, enters with Provenza, Brenda calling out the agent's name, Flynn and Gabriel remain in the hallway. They happen upon the body with an ice pick shoved through an ear into his brain. Provenza removes the man's trousers revealing a bandage over his stab wound. Brenda calls the incident into Andrew Schmidt, reporting her findings by saying, I found the man who killed Malik, does the name Voitski ring a bell? Andrew can only utter, dear God. Brenda declares as far as I am concerned, my work here is through. If you want my continued assistance Andrew, identifying Malik's friend, identifying your mole and finding the separated plutonium, we are going to have to change the rules. Andrew answers, what do you want? I want my job back with full crew or I walk away and you can clean this mess up yourself. So, Andrew, what's it going to be?

An excellent set up for Part II, and the second part should be viewed soon after the first for continuity sake. William Daniels is an excellent actor, and cast well into the season's close, part 1 and 2 of episodes 14 and 15. Recommend a continuous view and a thumbs up to the entire cast.
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