I don't snooze often.
1 March 2019
Yes, I tend to stay awake at the cinema during a movie.

After getting badgered from my daughter to take her to see this. I used to have a passing interest in Wrestling and have enjoyed some of Dwyane's previous movies, I gave in. I wish I never wasted money on this junk, trying to take the story of a British working class family into the wrestling business and turning into some kind of comedy drama does not work for me. I would of prefered to see a more dark side to the struggles that such a addiction to Wrestling from a skint family would cause, the blood, sweat and tears, then a nice happy ending to finish it off. Instead I get nearly 2 hours of cheese, sorry maybe only a hour because I fell asleep on and off during this. I can only imagine, this is trying to attract little girls like my daughter to enjoy, a bit like the way the wrestling pg era is like these days. It is no surprise the viewing figures for wrestling these days are crap.

I certainly won't be recommending this to anybody, in fact I probably won't admit to anyone I paided to watch this. If you must wait for a stream or wait for DVD release.
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