Same old rubbish
27 February 2019
It you wish to stay fat and unhealthy, watch and learn from this program. Just watched a completely biased article against the keto diet, with only opposing, "experts" consulted at all. Inaccurate information about it being bad for diabetes, just consisting of bacon, butter and cheese, causes keto flu and hair loss. No keto expert interview at all. At the end of the program they were eating a huge cake, in a shop with shelves of processed food behind them. As long as there was no saturated fat in it, all is good. An epileptic girl was practically cured by the diet, yet the focus was on her being deprived by not being able to eat cakes at children's parties! Never mind the benefits, life without cake is clearly unsustainable and highly not recommended for everyone else.

I'll enjoy my bacon free meals of salad and olive oil, oily fish, eggs, avocados, coconut oil, green vegetables, nuts and berries, meat and berries and cream, safe in the knowledge that watching BBC rubbish is more likely to give me a heart attack.
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