Review of Paddleton

Paddleton (2019)
1 good actor+1good actor=good film
26 February 2019
This was a film in all its simplicity,even though the theme of the story are pretty decent deadly serious. its about 2 men, not lovers, but long neighbourhood friends, just abit weird and shy guys in the middle aged era of life. they have some special interests and hobbies that they share,and wont let other ones into, because it weird and childish, like watching old kungfu moies and simulate the moves in the sofa......until life is turned upside down due to cancer, and the race for life and death starts.

its a great film on the assisted suicide subject,which has become a legal norm in many countries when you have got a lethal diagnose.

mark duplass and ray romano does this flick to gold, without any sidekicks at all, and reflects many typical friendships all over the world. the part where they mixed the barbiturates to drink are quite shaky, and when the bitter tasting end finally arrives its done pretty fast and painless. its an alternative way of dying of course, had i been in the same situation, without any strings to the surroundings when getting deadly cancer i would have struggled to chose this rather than cronic pain and vomiting.

the grumpy old man thinks this film joins the fellowship of dying dudes characters-movies and recommends it warmly
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