Not what you think?
25 February 2019
When you start the film, the first 30 minutes play as basically a mystery/thriller that has some intrigue, although a bit cliche.

However, at about the 35 minute mark, it turns into a totally different movie! The best way I can explain what I mean is like this:

Imagine you were watching a movie that was like The Ninth Gate/ (or any mystery thriller that leans horror) ...and then out of no where, it turns into You're Next or SAW!!

Yes, I know...what a weird, jarring turn that would take right? Well that's this...it started off as what could be a decent thriller mystery...and out of no where, turns into your typical "man hunt" movie...which tells me the first 30 minutes were nothing more than the film trying to be smarter than it really is. It was trying to give depth to a run of the mill "run for your life, because..." movie.

I'll give it credit for TRYING to be more than a shallow man hunt film...that's about it.
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