A Fistful of Fun
18 February 2019
A Fistful of Lead is a great addition to the western genre. This is a low budget film that uses its locations, characters and a compelling story to its fullest, never once leaving you anything other than entertained.

The story is packed with twists and turns, hitting familiar beats but with a freshness that keeps you engaged. From the start you know something is rotten in Bath Water and you are kept guessing until the very last satisfying scene.

Each character is brilliantly written and acted, and I thoroughly enjoyed Richard Sandling's Johnny Romford (who someone else referred to as "an annoying British guy"). Maybe it's because I'm British but I thought his character was hilarious, quotable ("alive is such a ballache"), and provided some comic relief to balance out the darker moments of the film.

The cinematography also deserves a mention. This is a beautiful film! All the shots in the wilderness look stunningly cold and bleak, and the orange-hued firelit scenes in the mine provide an exquisite contrast to this.

If you're a fan of westerns, or even if you're not, I highly recommend checking this out.
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