Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
Objective Review
14 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The original is among my favorite TV shows. After 17 years, we get a revival in the form of a remake. I was very excited for the show. The trailer looked great. Unfortunately, I gave up after two and a half episodes. The plot moves at glacial speed. Too much focus on a muder mystery from ten years ago, and too much soap opera drama. Everyone's mad, sad, and has secrets. People are too quick to make out and have sex. I thought this was Roswell, with adults? Why do they act like teenagers? Seriously, the high schoolers in the original had greater maturity and were more respectful of each other. The casting is all wrong too. This isn't fun to watch. I kept checking the runtime to see how much longer til it was over, hoping for better next episode.

Try comparing the first three episodes of the original to the first three episodes of the remake. Pay attention to the acting, writing, pacing, and plot versus interpersonal drama.

It's not that the new show is bad, because it's different. It's just badly written. 🤤
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