Rather boring film about quite cruel people (but with beautiful visuals). 4/10
12 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Heavy spoilers ahead! There is this "happy, sweet" ending. But is it really happy? And is it really sweet? What is the moral of this film? That you can't be happy until you kill the rival? Really appalling!! The couple could have run away after she had been found "dead". Why did they have to completely destroy the prince?.. Yes, he slapped her, but is it a worthy reason for crushing someone's life? We don't know if the prince had done something more seriously wrong (there were just rumours) or would he be an awful ruler of the country.. IMHO, the plot just doesn't make any sense.. And yes, it's not about the magic, don't get overexcited. It's more of a romantic melodrama. I liked the way another reviewer called this Prestige Light XD I would add that it's Extra Light XD You will do much better watching The Prestige ;)
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