C.B. Hustlers (1976)
Entertaining piece of 70's drive-in fluff
12 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A trio of prostitutes ply their trade with truck drivers while doing their best to avoid detection and getting arrested by the law.

Director Stu Segall relates the slight, but still enjoyable story at a leisurely pace, maintains an amiable carefree easy'n'breezy tone throughout, and delivers a satisfying smattering of tasty bare female skin for trashy good measure. Moreover, it's acted with zest by an enthusiastic cast: John Alderman as cranky pimp Dancer, Jacqueline Giroux as Dancer's perky partner Scuz, Douglas Gudbye as drunken dolt Hogbreath, and Bruce Kimball as a bumbling sheriff. John Goff and Richard Kennedy are amusing as a pair of inept reporters who uncover the operation while Janus Blythe, Uschi Digard, and Catherine Barkley are super foxy as the titular lot lizards. The funky soundtrack hits the get-down groovy spot. A likeable lighthearted romp.
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