Review of Split Lip

Split Lip (2019)
Mesmerizing lead actress and plot holes you can drive trucks through
9 February 2019
Mesmerizing lead actress and plot holes you can drive trucks through

Set is an assassin whose made a mistake and hence becomes hunted with an array of killers on her trail. For 98% of the film guns are replaced with hand to hand combat to the death, well choreographed and totally engrossing. She meets Samuel a totally clueless nerd whose dialogue hurt my ears. He is 'helpful' once but otherwise has no place in this film.

Plot holes galore and for no reason at all. Example: At the outset of the film her boss, as a favor, suggests her best flight destination and, as she leaves, reminds her we are coming after you. Really, after he's told where to go? Plot holes get larger and more irritating as the film plays out. The finale, with an excellent action scene, is otherwise a mess. Almost none of it makes sense. Many rave about the 'original' ending and they are right but that is still part of a mess including erroneous dialogue.

All in all Set was Mesmerizing with her bloody, scarred face, from various battles, that showed throughout the film. She was an assassin ever ready bunny self described 'monster.'
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