The Last Suit (2017)
A strange kind of road movie that manages to transfix nevertheless
7 February 2019
"The Last Suit" (2017 release from Argentina; original title "El ultimo traje"; 91 min.) brings the story of Abraham Bursztein, a very old and ailing Jewish tailor. As the movie opens, Abraham's family is getting ready to move him to a retirement home, against Abraham's express wishes. When his housekeeper asks what to do with a certain suit she finds, he decides on the spur of the moment to trek out to Poland. He waits for his family to leave (expecting to pick him up the next morning to take his to the retirement home). Instead, Abraham takes off for the airport, where a flight to Madrid is the first flight to Europe... At this point we are less than 15 min. into the movie but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: it took me a while to get into the movie, to be honest. At first we don't understand what is so important about that suit, and why exactly he wants to go to Poland, but of course all is revealed in due course. The core of the movie is Abraham, in frail health, getting from Buenos Aires to Poland via planes, trains and automobiles. Braham is played with grace and humor by noted Argentinean actor Miguel Angel Sola. And any movie that finds a spot for Natalia Verbeke is a winner for me!

I recently saw "The Last Suite" at the 2019 Jewish & Israeli Film Festival here in Cincinnati, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this years. More often than not, the festival's programming committee puts together a great slate of interesting and thought-provoking films. If you have a chance to see "The Last Suit", do not miss it!
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