Not a Terribly Effective Film
1 February 2019
This film begins during World War 2 with both Great Britain and Germany locked in a death struggle and each one desperately needing money to finance their conflict. So, when a large deposit of diamonds is rumored to be located in a mysterious "lost city" in Africa, both countries send out a small party to retrieve them. Heading the British party is a bumbling Army "Colonel" (played by Robin Bailey) his servant "Tombs" (Graham Stark) and an attractive female employee named "Jane" (Kirsten Hughes). Not to be outdone, however, the Germans also send a party commanded by an SS officer named "Lola Pagola" (Maud Adams) who is extremely determined and ruthless. And she is willing to do whatever it takes to bring these diamonds back to Berlin. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a peculiar comedy which lacked the necessary humor to be very effective. Campy but not very funny. Likewise, there were repeated attempts at titillation involving Kirsten Hughes which weren't that impressive either. Even so, I suppose it wasn't a terrible film by any means, and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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