Review of Polar

Polar (I) (2019)
Above Avg for Netflix
31 January 2019
Mads is always entertaining to watch but this movies tries to hard to hip. (Spoilers) I have no idea if it's true to the Comic or not but it is over-the-top in terms of style. Think Gotham on steroids and with a hard R rating - with Mads as a grown up Batman. It's hyper violent but done in a comic style. The bad guys here are a bunch of clowns (yes almost dressed like clowns too) who blast their way across the country without regards to collateral damage in pursuit of Mads. They each have their specialty but the viewer mostly just can't wait for them to be killed. The whole crime syndicate comes off like a bunch of murderous fashion designers. The movie has some nice stylistic touches but overall the good work by an aging Mads can't elevate this above an average action flick.
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