Split Image (1982)
good movie
30 January 2019
Gripping story to watch, and Fonda and Woods are both perfect fits for their roles here.

And this movie is uncanny in its parallels to politics here in year 2019.

Today's analogue to Fonda's cult would be contemporary political "progressivism". A veneer of sentiment of love and utopian hopes for mankind masks an underbelly of self-righteous smugness and dangerous naivite about human societies and the destructive consequences of public policy based on wishful thinking.

The populist conservative movement is the analogue to the cult deprogrammers. Offering a crude and harsh sounding message in an attempt to dissuade people from succumbing to the cult's suicidal dogma.

And the icing on the cake is that Woods and Fonda both are activists today that parallel their roles in this movie.

Progressives will no doubt be aghast at this opinion.
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