A poor addition to the Krampus franchise
29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A family stumbles upon an ancient rock in the Arizona desert of all places, which houses the German Christmas demon, Krampus. There is a much-too-long cut scene at the beginning of the movie which explains how the ancient rock got there, but it is not a very creative or interesting introduction to the film.

One of the children awakens Krampus from the ancient stone, who then chases the family about in the poor graphics style of a bad B role film, before the survivors figure out a way to trap him in a mine at the end.

Oh, and for really no actual reason, a baby version of Krampus pops out of the dirt at the end and eats a guy.

I watched the entire Krampus franchise, and must say this was the second-worst of them all, with Krampus Origins being the absolute worst. Those two seem to be made by the same people, in a sort-of similar universe since both of these stories take place in Arizona. This one had better graphics and a bit better of story than Krampus Origins did, but both are pretty bad, and me being a huge fan of B movies, when I say a B movie is bad, I mean it's bad.

The badness of this movie is not even slightly redeemed by the character Bonnie, the hot neighbor, whose only important scene seemed to be the one in which she is naked in the hot tub with her boyfriend.

There isn't really even any substantial comedic value from the movie like you sometimes find in B movies except for the totally unrelated appearance of baby krampus at the end, and no gratuitous over-the-top ridiculous violence or death either, but there was a semblance of an attempt, and for that they get credit. Two stars. Don't bother unless you seriously have nothing else to do.
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