SSSS.Gridman (2018)
A Fun Anime
27 January 2019
After watching some of the other original anime of 2018, I finally got across to watching SSSS. Gridman. Going into the show, I heard of all the praise, so I expecting something truly great. I think my expectations were a little high, but do not get me wrong, I still I found the series to be entertaining. I found that the most entertaining points of the series were the visuals and some of the characters. The visuals especially during the fight scenes were well done. The animation tended to be on point for the most part, specifically during the fight scenes. Some of the characters were good. The main characters Rikka, Akane, and Anti were the best in the series. Akane specifically stands out as the most interesting character in the show. The music was alright, with some stand out tracks such as the opening song. Besides these positives, the show did have some issues. As mentioned previously, there are some good and bad characters. One of the worst characters was the main protagonist/hero, Yuta. I just found him to be severely uninteresting and cliched. My other problem with the series, was with the action scenes. The action scenes lacked a sense of stake. I won't go to in depth, so that I do not spoil anything, but I never really felt that anyone was in real danger during the fights. The show starts averagely and ends messily. Though, the episodes around 4- 11 get progressively more interesting. SSSS. Gridman is a fun anime series with nice visuals, some good characters and an interesting plot/story, but there are some cliched characters and a lack of stakes. I advise those to watch the series if they enjoy action, mecha, adventure, or science fiction anime.
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