Best Man Wins (1948)
When Uncle Joe met Lila Quartermaine....
26 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In what is obviously an odd teaming, funny earthy character actor Edgar Buchanan got gorgeous leading lady in the British-born Anna Lee for this sentimental drama that is hokey but touching. Edgar Buchanan's gambler husband shows back up after years on his own just as wife Anna Lee is about to get her file divorce decree from him so she can marry stuffy judge Robert Shyane. Son Gary Gray immediately takes to the return of his father who helps him get an abused dog away from Shayne for himself. This sets up a rivalry between Shayne and Buchanan for the kindly Ms. Lee who is probably far too forgiving for her own good. As father and son become closer, the engaged Shayne and Lee begin to see their differences and it appears that she wants to get back together with her not quite ex-husband, but only if he can give up gambling for good.

While this certainly is an entertaining film, it has its share of implausibilities, particularly the timing of Buchanan's return. But you can't help but be won over by its earthiness, especially the relationship between Buchanan and Gray who haven't ever met before. In fact how they meet and how Gray realizes who he is is so under written that you can almost fall for it as being genuine. the gambling ironically involves animals in this film, including dogs chasing a giant hair and giant toads hopping to the finish line, one able to do it to music. While the performances are decent, I didn't really see much chemistry between Lee or either of the men in her life here.

Lee reminds me here of fellow daytime matriarch Ruth Warrick who around the same time appeared in a similar film by Disney called "Song of the South". this film has curiosity written all over it, especially if you are a longtime "General Hospital" fan or follow classic TV shows like "Green Acres" and "Petticoat Junction", or just love classic films that are down to earth, without pretension and deal with real people in situations that seem realistic enough to be able to get out of easily.
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