Similar to "Leave Her to Heaven".
22 January 2019
"The Night of June 13" is a very good story...one that is incredibly similar to the later (and better) Gene Tierney film, "Leave Her To Heaven". Both films are about incredibly twisted and mentally ill women who kill themselves and their innocent spouses are tried for their murder.

In this case, a poor schmuck is married to a woman who is a 'neurosthenic'*. She is demanding, extremely jealous and a horror to live with. Despite this, her husband is loyal and loves her. However, she comes to believe he is having an affair with a neighbor...which is complete fiction. Eventually, she decides to kill herself and leaves a note saying that she killed herself because of the neighbor. When the husband finds the note...he burns it. After all, he doesn't want to implicate an innocent woman. But that leads to a problem...now the police think he killed her and some very unreliable people claim to know he's guilty!

This film starts off very slowly and I had difficulty sticking with it. Fortunately, it did improve significantly and turned out to be a dandy and interesting film. Well worth seeing.

*Neuresthenia is a term no longer used in the US. This is mostly because the symptoms are so vague. Instead, what might have been termed Neuresthenia now could be diagnosed Borderline personality and a variety of other disorders. But in 1932, such vague psychological terms were in widespread use. Try to ignore this and suffice to say the wife was both mentally ill and had some severe personality disorders.
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