Wonder Woman (2017)
21 January 2019
I have a confession to make. I'm not a big fan of superhero movies anyway. There are just so many of them, and only a few of them are any good. I finally got around to seeing this movie a couple of days ago. While I enjoyed watching it, I also thought it really didn't live up to the hype.

I enjoyed the movie overall, and I thought Gal Gadot's performance was very good. I also liked finally seeing a superhero movie directed by a woman. I believe Patty Jenkins did a very good job in directing this film. Chris Pike also did very well, and as far as characters go, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor are very good.

On the other hand, there was plenty that I didn't like about this movie. For example, I thought most of the characters were shallow and not developed well at all. Most of the villains in the movie seemed to have no motivations whatsoever. In other words, they were "bad" only because the script required them to be.

It was very hard for me to accept the dialogue. It seemed to have been written for a Saturday morning cartoon. I did my best to ignore what the characters were saying and just watched the visuals.

I was annoyed at the overuse of slow motion. Once or twice would have been fine, but seeing it over and over again was really tiresome.

At 141 minutes, this movie is too long. I would have preferred somewhere around 110 minutes instead. Superhero films are not supposed to be epics. The script was too weak to hold up for that long.

There were a lot of plot holes that never were answered. I won't mention them here because I want to avoid spoilers. But the script needed a little more work to fill in the missing details.

Overall, this was a fun movie, but it really could have been so much better.
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