What's Your Hobby, Ray? Drinkin'
21 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The boys are stealing meat from the grocery store. Bubbles stays in the car after getting too baked. He turns up the radio and sings along as his voice goes over the store's PA system. They sell the meat in the parking lot and their competition is Phil Collins. Cory and Trevor left the park and Ricky is frustrated about his dope being stolen by animals. Lahey and Randy are regular customers of Ricky's, who buy dope and meat from him.

Ray rips the plumbing out of his trailer and sells it as scrap metal for liquor money. Bubbles teams up with him in the scrap metal business. Julian gets a job delivering pizzas. Lahey is the laughing stock of the police station. Lucy is pregnant and upset that Ricky isn't bringing in any money. J-Roc and T are into stealing luggage from the airport.

Ricky and Bubbles plan to steal two grand worth of meat from a butcher shop. Bubbles gets locked in the meat freezer for three hours before Julian and Ricky break him out. Bubbles doesn't want to work with them anymore. Ricky admits he misses Cory and Trevor.

Bubbles questions his life choices after running into his grade school teacher. After getting locked in a freezer on the job with Ricky, he wants to change the path he's on. Ricky blames Cory and Trevor for everything going wrong since he now has to deal with the things he used to throw on them.
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