Counterpart (2017–2019)
Looks fairly good, what little can be seen
18 January 2019
So far a lot of what I've seen is good. The difficulty I'm having is viewing it because there is next to no lighting used.

I wish directors wouldn't follow silly fashions. A few years ago it was getting actors to swallow and mumble their words and speak with closed lips so it was necessary to have subtitles on to follow the script. Now it's filming without lighting and making every scene so dark that it's impossible to see anything but vague shadows on the screen.

Can we get back to clear images and clear speech please? (Hope it gets easier because the overall concept seems good, except for this distraction.)

I'll add a rating after I've seen more, if I continue to put up with the darkness.

Update: I've added a rating. This show has me hooked and I am really looking forward to watching Season 2.

On the matter of lighting, I don't know if there were fewer unlit scenes after episode 2 or if I just got used to them. After about episode 3 or 4 there appeared to be a lot more light!
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