More like a Vaudeville show than an actual movie with a plot.
18 January 2019
"That's My Baby!" is a B-movie starring an actor who specialized in Bs at the time, Richard Arlen. Sadly, however, it's not among his better efforts...mostly because the film is often plotless and instead looks like a variety or Vaudeville show....and many of the acts stink. Why they chose to do this, I have no idea...perhaps they didn't trust the actors to be able to carry the film otherwise....perhaps the filmmakers knew a lot of second-rate show people and just wanted to put their friends in the film. All I know is that I can see why they let this movie slip into the public domain!!

The plot, such as it is, involves Tim Jones (Arlen) and Betty Moody (Ellen Drew) trying to make the dour R. P. Moody (Minor Watson) smile....something he hasn't done in years. To find out what did make him smile, they located Betty's long-lost mother (R. P.'s ex-wife) and come up with the idea of creating a cartoon involving a cute baby.

Nothing about this movie would compell you to care about the story....and it was watchable...just barely. Not much more worth saying about this one.
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