Sniper Corpse (2019)
Interesting role-reversal and great FX
16 January 2019
There's a lot to say about the spirit of this film. The beauty of low-budget horror is that the passion and enthusiasm of the cast, crew and director really shine through. This is exactly what we have with Sniper Corpse. We're taken on a journey with the lead character (played wonderfully by Eleri Jones) who is a widow in search of her husband; a military man, killed in action, whose body has mysteriously disappeared.

As the story progresses, we're transported into a world of conspiracy, secrets and dark forests packed with demonic creatures. Throughout, we have some great old-school blood splatters and head explosions which are sure to make all low-budget horror fans wince and smile at the same time!

The craftsmanship behind the creatures, sets and visual FX are evident throughout the film. Presumably drawing inspiration from from the horror pioneers of the 1980s, the director combines practical FX and costume with a moderate use of CGI to push the boundaries of what's possible on a budget. It's also great to see an innovative use of lighting to create seamless transitions between stages and locations.

In terms of story, I won't say too much here, but what we have is a refreshing re-imagination of the good old-fashioned zombie; a creature that's been with us for decades in film. While there would be nothing wrong with heading down the usual path of virus break-out and undead flesh-eating monsters, the director has chosen to position the creatures differently and in a context that I've not yet seen. What does this look like exactly? You'll have to watch and find out!

Overall, it's great to see this kind of film emerge from the underground. We're so used to big-budget casts and FX that it's sometimes easy to take them for granted. Sniper Corpse is a reminder that with passion, an interesting story and some guts (both literally and metaphorically) it's entirely possible to create something that will inspire other filmmakers and audiences even without all the glitz and glamour of hollywood.
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