Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens (2010)
Season 5, Episode 12
The Box of Tricks Opens and Explodes
14 January 2019
This is the excellent first part of the two part story which forms the season finale of Matt Smith's first series as the Doctor and Steven Moffatt's first series as Showrunner. I am reviewing them separately because I have a lot to say about the second part, The Big Bang, which I find problematic. The Pandorica Opens episode though is great fun.

Moffatt wrote this two parter and both episodes include his strengths of exciting, interesting storytelling. Whilst I feel The Big Bang goes over the top and throws away some of the clever build up that doesn't detract from my feeling that The Pandorica Opens is a superb episode when viewed on its own merits. It has a LOT thrown into it and it is rather convoluted but there is so much fun, excitement and interest that make it really pleasurable to watch.

In the story we see (for reasons that are not revealed) the TARDIS is going to explode and the Doctor is led along a convoluted journey to find the Pandorica, a mythical 'prison cell' which appears to have some role in averting disaster. It turns out this is an even more convoluted trap set by many of the Doctor's enemies. Amy and her exposure to the crack in time turn out to have a large part in events.

Acting, script, action and effects are all very strong and the ambition of such a complex story is admirable. It is very thrilling, emotionally engaging, intriguing and epic. Having so many enemies and so many threads all coming together is impressive and the cliffhanger is superb.

My Rating: 9.5/10.
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