The Royal Canadian Mounted Police On the Job
14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An intriguing point to debate about "The Kate Logan Affair" is which branch of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the most incompetent as depicted in this film.

First, there are the two beat cops who come to the motel to investigate a report of a gun shot, but they cannot even find their way into the motel room without firing a shot through the door. One of the officers is so out of shape that he requires his heart medication after a slight jog in pursuit of the motel occupants.

Second, there is the forensic team that failed to properly study the trajectory of the bullet that killed poor Benoît Gando. If they had done their homework, they would have learned that he was sitting down when he was shot and the shooter, Kate Logan, was standing. Kate's story about shooting in self-defense would have been deflated with the knowledge that Benoît was seated.

Third, there is the cheap lock boxes in squad cars that don't work. Otherwise, Kate would never have had to carry her pistol into the motel room.

Fourth, there is the department of internal affairs that lobbed soft-ball questions at Kate, prior to coming to the instant conclusion that she was the victim of the luckless insurance executive. They also failed to trace Kate's movements prior to her alleged abduction. Otherwise, they would have learned that she purchased the bottle of whiskey at a nearby liquor store that was an important piece of evidence in the motel room. The whiskey bottle would have helped to demonstrate that Kate instigated the affair in the motel, not Benoît.

Fifth, there is hiring department that would bring a psychopath like Kate Logan onto the force in the first place. After all, this is the officer who doesn't even check her vehicle to see that she has a nearly flat tire!

Overall, the film meandered through comical moments like the awkward romantic encounter of Kate and Benoît, the keystone cops in the motel, the bumbling attempt of Kate and Benoît to flee the scene like Bonnie and Clyde, the senseless murder, and the tragic aftermath with the grieving widow.

The "twist" at the end involved Kate's attempt to close the book on any doubts she may have about her alibi by paying a visit to the clerk at the gas station, who had witnessed her in control of the situation and not behaving like she had been kidnapped. But based on her character, one senses that Kate will be busted, despite every effort made by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to avoid the pursuit of truth and justice.
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