Twin Peaks: Miss Twin Peaks (1991)
Season 2, Episode 21
The most disturbing episode since Lonely Souls
2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are two kind of races in this episode. The race to being crowned the new Miss Twin Peaks and the race against time when it comes to stopping Windom Earle from finalizing his plan.

The show in general has a very intense atmosphere most of the time, but here more-so than ever. Kenneth Welsh continues to play Windom Earle with demented brilliance, depicting a character who loves playing twisted mind games with his opponents so much he barely resembles human. Leo, who was the villain in earlier episodes of the series, makes the noblest sacrifice he's ever done. There's no doubt that he's been a real bástard, but he's learned his lesson at this point. Unsurprisingly, Windom really makes him pay for standing up against him.

At the station Cooper and Harry try to figure out Earle's next move, while Andy observes the cave painting on the blackboard instead. It's both amusing and stressful at the same time how Andy seems to have found an important clue, but no one stops to listen to him. I guess they're used to his other nonsense so much that they don't consider how he might have something more important to say this time. When he does get his say at the end it's practically almost too late. In true Twin Peaks fashion there's some lighthearted humor as well, such as when Ed announces to Nadine he's getting married to Norma right after she herself talked in rosy terms about her feelings for Mike. Even though Ed had already confessed several episodes ago he has feelings for Norma, it took this long for her to finally react to it in some way other than a shrug. Which of course only makes it funnier when he clenches Mike's fist while wishing Ed luck on new marriage with clenched teeth. There's also a darkly comic moment where it looks like Andrew suddenly is going to shoot Pete, but he actually was aiming for the silver box.

The highlight is of course the very climax. After a series of catwalks, dances and speeches, the winner is about to be announced. My bet was actually on Shelly at first since Leo was so worried about her safety, but after that speech delivered by Annie, I knew she was doomed. The flickering lights with Earle smiling evilly dressed in a Log Lady costume is one of the scariest things I've seen on the show. The intensity and drama during this scene is impeccable.

The one thing I wish they would have done differently is give Catherine more of a poignant send-off. Her final scene is funny, but a little bit anticlimactic.

The brooding, dark tone combined with the sweatdrop-inducing suspense makes this one of the most wellmade episodes in the series.
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