Vanity Fair: Endings and Beginnings (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
One Good Deed
31 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the final episode, Becky and Rawdon have fallen on ruin. Lord Seyne has planned a devious outcome for Rawdon by having him sent as an army officer to Coventry Island, off the coast of West Africa. With the pestilential climate, Rawdon realizes that it is a death sentence. Indeed, Rawdon dies of yellow fever. Becky is now living in squalor in a hovel and plays roulette at a nearby gaming house.

The story skips ahead to 1825, and Dobbin is stationed in India. When he receives word that his beloved Emmy may become betrothed to the local vicar, he scurries back to England with Emmy's wayward brother Jos in toe. When he arrives, Becky rejects his suit once again, even when he admits that it was he who purchased the piano at auction and had the item sent to her anonymously. He has also been sending money to Becky's father to help raise her little boy.

One of the rare shortcomings in the series is the handling of the relationship of Dobbin and Emmy. It stretched credibility when Dobbin became so forceful in seeking to dissuade Emmy from renewing her association with Becky. This was the centerpiece of the episode, and it was out of character of Dobbin to lose his temper.

What follows is even less credible. Dobbin has what appears to be a definitive falling out with Becky, calling her (accurately) a "shallow" person. Yet ten minutes later, Becky takes it upon herself to do "one good deed" in an attempt to unite Emmy and Dobbin. Even Becky's little boy, who has inherited the Cawley fortune, refuses to have anything to do with his mother, other than to give her a small allowance and award her the title of "Lady Cawley." Yet Emmy still treasures her dear friend and follows her advice in accepting Dobbin.

At this point, it is unclear why Dobbin would be willing to give Emmy yet another chance. Yet that it precisely what happens as they become a happily wedded couple. The series closes on the hint that Jos Sedley may be in line as the next victim of Lady Rebecca Cawley.
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