Journeyman (I) (2017)
30 December 2018
Like others this film had nearly passed me by .I had noted its release and read some reasonable critic reviews and filed it for future viewing .And then forgotten ..partly because there have been so many films with boxing as the subject or backdrop .It was drawn to my attention and I am so glad I watched .Marvellous film with great script ,direction and acting from Considineand good performances from Jodie Whittaker and the support cast . Cinematogrophy outstanding . The fight action scenes are fine ...of course they are not quite authentic but all boxing representation is ridiculously difficult to authenticate and this was miles better than almost all other .Whereas Considine's portrayal of the physical and mental damage and the very slow recovery was fantastic . .One could quible that he would probably have had more professional support in real life but that's nitpicking .This film should be far better known and many would enjoy and appreciate I am sure
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