Cheap and nasty knock off
27 December 2018
Who the heck is Farah Abushwesha? Clearly she is no British Agatha Christie producer. And it's that bloody Sarah Phelps again of Crimson fields notoriety. Put these two together and boy what a mess.

The BBC will always to turn to this sort of producer which this politically correct Quango knows will dream up some tosh that will irritate crime drama lovers.

The BBC absolutely hates camaraderie. It's so not of this age. By this I mean Captain Hastings, let's leave him out. Also Japp who is written out right at the start. Let's do what we did with Wallander and save a bit of money. No teamwork at all.

Any tax payer funded service which; I hear, sent nine journalists out to Sri Lanka and not televise any of the actual cricket, will always set out to waste money.

So let's not make an historic English crime drama in any way live up to the original book when computer graphics will do it for you.

In fact it feels like a computer dream't up script. So why not call it something completely different?

How arrogant can one get? Is the BBC more enlightened than Agatha Christie? Do we have to have a "correct" version?

Just as Brian True May produced the best Midsomer Murders but got fired for having the right ingredients this producer comes up with the wrong ingredients. It's tough luck the broadcaster is crap too.
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