Review of Roma

Roma (2018)
a little gem of a movie.
27 December 2018
I have waited to watch it until I could give it my full attention and it did not disappoint.

This is Alfonso Cuarón's follow up to Gravity (i can't believe he hasn't made anything since then). You can tell it's a very personal movie from him, I really love that it is shot in black & white, I think it fits the themes of this movie very well.

set in the 1970's in Mexico City with the city's political war as a backdrop. It's not the easiest watch, it's a long film, slowly revealing what is happening within this family, and this young maid that finds herself in an unfortunate predicament.

For this being Yalitza Aparicio's first time acting, I thought she did a phenomenal job. You really felt for her, what she was going through, and you see how just important she is to this family dynamic. From the mom to the grandma to each kid, they all have a unique personality of their own, and the character moments that Cuarón chooses to show is what really makes you connect with these characters - like how the youngest kid in the movie keeps trying to tell his family that he remembers this past life that he had.

It is beautifully shot and since Cuarón grew up in Mexico City, he knew exactly the story and the look he wanted to tell.

just like with most movies this year, it's not for everyone, critics will love it and anyone that appreciates a slow build in movies. just give this one a chance, let it wash over you and soak in all it has to offer.
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