Review of Hidden Figures

Wonderful story
26 December 2018
This is an inspirational story told with a very good directing style and superb acting. The key elements of the era including civil right movements, space race between two nuclear powers and struggle of women disadvantaged twice; first by the color of their skin then their gender in a male dominated profession are told in a balanced way.

From other reviewers' comments, I understand there are some twists to the historical facts. It is not difficult to see some scenes are overly dramatized and exaggerated. But that's what separates a drama from documentary and those deviations from the facts hardly change the above mentioned key elements. No matter how big or trivial the contribution of these women to the space program, science or engineering actually were, this is definitely a success story which needs to be remembered as a part of the black history as well as women's ascendance in social and professional ranks. Well done...
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