Black Mirror: Playtest (2016)
Season 3, Episode 2
First time an horror genre took it a step further
24 December 2018
What is so great about this episode is that it starts as any other generic horror movie. A young man in a hunted house, spiders, monsters appearing out of nowhere trying to kill you. This is what we are all use to in horror, and for most of us, like cooper, is so easy to deal with. We laugh it off, we know it's not real. This is not what really scares us, because we know it's just an imaginative figure trying hard to scare us. This is why horror movies are never really scary when you grow up. But this one took it a step further to what is really scary to a human being. The real things. Being trapped with no control in an experiment, no stop words, be alone, have Alzheimer like your father, and finally let you mother die in pain because you ran away missing you with no way to communicate with her. This really touched me, understanding that simply life can be the most terrifying thing, and the monsters in horror movies are just there for fun. Well done.
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