One bad vendetta
23 December 2018
Rob Lowe starts Living In Peril after a road rage incident with big rig driver Tony Longo and he arrives in Los Angeles and takes an apartment where he will be for an extended stay. Lowe is an architect who is in LA for a job designing and building a new house for Jim Belushi. He's leaving behind in Seattle wife Dan Nicholson-Wheeler who is expecting.

Once he moves in everything in Lowe's life turns to crap. Appliances don't work, a herd of rats moves in all getting apartment manager Dean Stockwell mad at Lowe. Stockwell acts like someone with a broomstick perpetually up the rectal cavity.

Worst of all is high trade sex worker Alex Meneses winding up dead in his apartment. Someone has one bad vendetta against Lowe.

Rob Lowe now way past his Brat Pack days got a chance to reunite with his About Last Night co-star Jim Belushi. The dynamic of their characters is quite a bit different than from that better film. Some praise here has to go to Patrik Ersgaard playing Lowe's quirky German neighbor.

Lowe is a much better actor than was given credit in his salad days as a Brat Packer first class. But you couldn't tell with this thriller which dragged in spots and didn't thrill so much.
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