This should have been Good Nightworld...
18 December 2018
I found "Nightworld" by sheer luck, and seeing that Robert Englund was in it and it being a horror movie, of course this was something I had to watch.

Normally, I am not a fan of the London brothers, but I will say that Brandon London actually did handle himself quite well in the movie and carried it quite well. Robert Englund, well he is Robert Englund after all, but this was hardly a memorable performance from him and not one of his better movies.

The storyline in "Nightworld", while it definitely did sound enticing on the synopsis on the back of the movie, then it did not come to fruition on the screen. The whole movie was unfathomably slow paced and nothing much of any interest - I kid you not - happened throughout the entire course of the movie. Once the movie can to an end my first thought was 'was that actually it?'

There is nothing scary about the movie, and there are no build ups to anything grand. And once it becomes revealed what is actually going on, you are so far past caring that it hardly mattered.

The movie had potential, for sure, but it wasn't utilized and the movie was unfathomably montone and mundane. To the point where it was becoming a struggle to keep being interested in watching the movie. I managed to endure this ordeal to the very end, and I can in all honesty say that I am never returning to watch this a second time around.

Oh, and you might want to bring a pillow along when you travel to "Nightworld", just a friendly heads up...
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