Gravity Falls: Not What He Seems (2015)
Season 2, Episode 11
The best episode for a cartoon I've ever seen
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the best of this entire series, and that's saying something because we're talking about Gravity Falls, the only series that doesn't have a single bad episode. The plot of this episode is that Grunkle Stan is arrested by the federal agency for stealing barrels of toxic waste. Mable and Dipper try to prove his innocence so they break into his office to find evidence from the surveillance camera, only to find that he did in fact steal the waste. They then go into a rabbit hole of lies that Stan told them, ending with a newspaper article stating that Stan was dead from a car accident, with the breaks tampered with. They then go into his hidden lair behind the vending machine to find the device, and the journals state that it can destroy the universe. At this point Stan has escaped captivity from the feds, and has appeared to try to stop them from turning off the machine, telling them they have to trust him, a line he's used to scam many people before, plus this time they have evidence against him. Dipper ans Soos have lost trust in him but Mable still wants to trust Stan but doesn't know if she should. The end is the biggest plot twist/reveal ever in the show. The device reveals to be a portal and out walks no one else than Stan's brother, the author of the books. This is one of my favorite episodes of all time. Not only do the characters not believe in Stan, you yourself question if he is who he claims.
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