Supernova (I) (2000)
Better then expected.
2 December 2018
I didn't expect a great deal from this movie, but found myself enjoying it for the most part, it's no classic, far from it, but it is a decent watch. Six people on a ship get an unexpected visitor, a buff Peter Facinelli, who isn't afraid to show his muscles off.

I felt like I was watching a poor man's Event Horizon, it had some nice moments, a few scares, and some imaginative ideas. It's well acted for the most part, Angela Bassett is in a different league to the rest, I thought she was great.

The special effects were a little hit and miss, but this was made back in 2000. I wish they'd have gone further in making it a little more scary, the trouble with it, is that it's verging on melodrama, when the good premise it had, should have been sci fi horror. It lacks depth, with some explanations and concepts a little thin.

Overall though, I quite liked it.
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