It gets the parts that matter right, don't expect it to be the same as the anime
28 November 2018
Wow, that was a surprisingly good movie!

A lot of people who reviewed this need a reality check. It is being converted from a manga/anime to live action which means it won't be identical. More importantly, it is being shortened so that the entire first two seasons can fit into two hours roughly. It is ridiculous for people to expect to be identical to the anime/manga.

The important bits of the anime series are preserved, if somewhat altered to fit the shortened story line. They had enough of the key characters, and for the most part, were pretty spot on with representing them. There is great attention to detail. I don't know how people can even believe that Ed was represented as a "douchey braggart", honestly it feels a lot like that reaction has to do with cultural differences. The majority (if not all) of the cast is Asian, and for many Americans or other western countries it can be hard to read their emotions. It is not uncommon and unfortunate for it to be misinterpreted as "stern" or "aggressive". However, I thought the acting was superb! I compliment the Asian cast, I think its just cultural exposure breeding that misconception.

I am somewhat directly referring to the review posted before mine because it misleads people looking for a genuine review. I saw the emotion he referred to as being missing, which actually was there, if you understand they are kids. Kids in that situation would react in shock, like after a car accident in which they lose family members. They will quietly sit there and quite often not even cry, not at first at least.

In any case, I felt the human element and the story elements that make the world of Full Metal Alchemist great are all left intact. I appreciated that and was very pleasantly surprised.

I do recommend it, its not my favorite movie by any means but I am looking forward to the sequel, part 2 (confirmed to be coming).
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