#Captured (2017)
27 November 2018
First off, I appreciate that the creators of this (and similarly filmed movies like Unfriended for example) are progressing along with the present "technological millennial age" that society is in. With all the "revamps" of the classic iconic horror movies/ miniseries (example: Stephen King's IT)... horror film like #captured, are more than welcome and show horror fanatics (like myself) that new ideas, methodology, and creativity are NOT DEAD OR STAGNANT.

So, yes.. the acting is seriously cheesy, sometimes way over done, sometimes blatantly not believe, sometimes a bit stiff, and bits of truly aweful... But what makes all of that, a very entertaining, fun, funny, awesome viewing experience... is knowing that this is a low budget B horror movie, and probably one of the very first films for the entire cast, crew, writers, producers, etc... We, as viewers, know this before we press the play, so personally, I cannot "judge/review" these films with the same expectations that I have for more experienced cast/crew/et all....

It is because of the newness, learning experience, and fresh creativity that makes this film (and others like it) fun, refreshing, and all around great!

The exaggerated kills scenes, the exaggerated gore, the well developed lead villain/bad guy/killer.... are personally my absolute FAVORITE. They demonstrate such creativity, adaptability, resourcefulness... I could go on for days... I have to give extreme POSITIVE reviews and recommendations based on this alone.

I give high praise, appreciation, and gratitude for cast/crew/anyone/everyone that contributed to this film in any way at all. Thank for creating and sharing this wonderful film with my family and I. We ALL throughly enjoyed it, and will recommend it to all of our friends who share our love for all genres of horror films. On a personal note.. ignore the negative reviews, close minded individuals will forever focus on the negative and try to kill the positive... so make them all eat their words and continue to entertain the masses while those few miserable close minded suffer alone in boredom and repeatition.

Thank You - Bloody Desire and family (Rev. Violent J and Mini Massacre)
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