Primal Rage (2018)
One of the dumbest movies ever made
24 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give this movie this - the practical effects were really well done. Too bad the directing, story and acting were bad enough that I'm really surprised this hasn't been on the SyFy(less) channel a bunch of times. What was the monster? Was it a bigfoot? A mutant cave man? Trog's cousin? Why did it need weapons when it was strong as hell? And why the hell did the one moron with a shotgun take a shot, saw that it hurt this thing and then decide he was too scared to shoot again? When the woman had a rifle, how the hell did she miss from twenty feet away? More importantly, HOW THE HELL DID SHE HIT THE GROUND WITH A SHOT? Just another stupid bigfoot wanna be movie. And as fast as this thing was, how did a half starved, dehydrated woman out run it? Really one of the dumbest movies ever made.
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