Low budget, sick, sleazy, gorefest that is surprisingly well acted and shot.
24 November 2018
Jack T. Ripperton, the comically named descendant of Jack the Ripper, practices snuff photography and drinks the blood of his victims to stay virile. One of his intended victims looks so much like his great great grandmother that he spares her, makes love to her, and turns her into an unwitting accomplice.

The story doesn't sound that bad but the movie concentrates on the killing scenes so much that there isn't much else to it. It's seriously just one death scene after another with very little else. If that's your thing, you'll love this. Oh, plenty of nudity, too.

I love horror movies, but when they're more about showing agonizing death scenes in detail than plot then they're not really my thing.

What kept me going were the surprisingly good performances and makeup effects for such an obviously low budget movie! And it was even well shot! I looked up the director and he's a cinematographer, so I guess there's no surprise there.

For fans of B-horror, this is definitely worth a watch.
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