The Doomsday Flight (1966 TV Movie)
The technical stuff is a real mess
23 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
But typical for Universal. The jet shown in the beginning is a TWA Convair 880 with the fuselage swoop painted or altered on film to blue. Easily identifiable with the ridge at the top of the fuselage and the tail number registration ends in TW. The landing gear sequences are from a B-52; four bogies with 2 in-line pairs. The WORST though is the evacuation at the end. "Use all doors and emergency exits" followed by everybody jumping out on a manually deployed slide at the back end of a Douglas prop job. At first I thought they might have use the DC-6 mashup from "Fate is the Hunter" but that wasn't it. But it was definitely a Douglas DC-Something with that rounded door top and tail. Other mistakes: the radio frequencies in the 200 Mhz range and the plane would have been under either Salt Lake Center or Denver Center control when the decision was made to go to Denver. Nit-picky stuff but Rod should have had his brother Robert read the script to cover the technical aspects. "Airport" which was filmed in 1969 at least got the technical details down much better.
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