Thoroughly entertained
19 November 2018
It's a great action film! It's beautifully shot with riveting action throughout that builds to a terrific climax. Claire Foy is a terrific Lisbeth Salander. I've seen the Swedish trilogy and the Fincher directed remake, and I still actually enjoyed watching this film the most. Perhaps that means it is the most palatable of all the versions. There really is nothing here that causes aversion in the viewer. In this regard the negative reviews citing the absence of source material do have a point. That aside, Foy's portrayal is certainly, for my money, the most captivating version of Salander to date.

I could nitpick away at a few things, like for instance how they've reduced Blomquist to eye candy and made Salander the main agent of action. But I actually kind of liked that. After all, she's the reason we go to see these movies. And yeah, I could have used a storyline that had elements of her getting revenge against her male oppressors, which I believe to be the overall theme of the source material, but again, I actually like that we've moved on from that. In a way, she has grown up and now she's just ready to do her thing: be a lone wolf bad ass and you know, save the world from nuclear annihilation (hence all the Bond references), while working out her past childhood trauma. Overall, if you're looking for a solid dark action/thriller, then leave your baggage at the door and enjoy the ride. I sure did.
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