very average, not worth it avoid this if you fan of rest of marine films
19 November 2018
Meh this movie is very average, i thought this was eh movie wasn't good as another 4 Marine movies you don't need to watch them in order they don't explain anything from another marine movies so you don't need to. i thought this dumb writing, made Miz look like loser in film he is not a hero he tries to save but they got killed for no reason what so ever i hated movie way how the let Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin character a BIG LETDOWN, i thought the writers like let him down a lot his hand to hand combat was eh he got his ass kicked by villain like chessy ending. action was ok it was fun he doesn't have higher body count in this movie at all nothing like marine 3 and 4. now i liked all 4 Marine movies this no this is huge letdown. i thought story is sloppy i love to use the word very sloppy. i thought they wasted everyone characters i am like why do you have all wrestlers like Maryse Mizanin eh only for 30 seconds Mike saves her then she dies i am like is this trying to be like ER series already or is this marine ?? could not have Maryse Mizanin as character put her as part of movie that's it but no kill her off only for 30 seconds forget it. everyone is a wrestler WWE like (Heath Miller) cash, Murphy (Trinity Fatu), Alonzo (Taylor Rotunda AKA Bo Dallas). you have some another actors as well i don't understand he is EMT paramedic when he is not a marine ?? he was marine but why medic for ?? i mean i liked when he was a bodyguard

in marine 4 now in this medic ? really ? i don't know how is this called MARINE might have to call it ER mixed with Action to it. i thought character in this let him down made like hero but let Miz huge let down. story follows Cole (Nathan Mitchell) and another guy in car shot one of bikers member made a bikers have their revenge cole is getting chased by them hiding in Carnival carpark area. While Jake carter (Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin) working as an EMT back stateside Jake after responding to a distress call, finds himself caught up protecting a person of interest from a biker gang ruthlessly hunting them down. mostly takes in carpark but ending moves on to Carnival to some building area. kinda like die hard in carpark then eh moves on to carnival then to somewhere else. Zoe Williams (Anna Van Hooft) known for Warcraft. she is wasted for no reason at all. EMT medics heard in radio in carpark area to carnival carpark building, they found cole wounded they can't get to hospital because then bikers are looking for cole and they can't get back to van to escape so jake and zoe, cole are trapped and struck in carpark tunnel we find out later that cell phones don't work. i thought action is OK wasn't best or brutal like another marine movies. i thought bikers is eh i seen better villains as biker gangs they were nothing special as characters. i thought twist is bit silly of story. after carpark tunnel its at carnival like if it was trash Beverly Hills Cop III, and action wasn't special watch 4 previous marine movies avoid this let down it's huge one. Jake Carter adjusting to life outside the Marines and is working as an EMT. When Jake and zoe go to check out a call they find something much more than just Cole in health trouble. you expect of course to go out of his way to save lives like Ana but wasted her for nothing and his partner as well zoe. So even though I would personally disagree with attempting to save the life cole is a gangbanger who's killed another man just before he needed assistance (after members of the other gang went after him), you would understand if he did it when doing so didn't risk anyone else's life. But he and his female colleague walk into this dark theme park without notifying anyone first that they're heading out on foot - and when he's located the cole AKA gangbanger and the guy has even fired his gun at him, he makes it his personal mission to get the guy out of there, even though the other gang shows up. And in the process. i thought this movie sucked, action was fun it was their like die hard style in carpark building to carnival this movie did suck so many ways. i expect Jake to save lives not let him down not to save woman witch he rescued then she dies ??? i thought that was stupid but he is saving gangbanger cole ? i am like really saving person would be like saving a woman or girl but no he is producting a gangbanger ? James Nunn AKA James None who did Scott Adkins films like Green Street 3: Never Back Down, Eliminators witch i thought they were OK not great now James Nunn aka is doing Marine films. i thought this was huge let down movie, Mike Miz character let him down so badly it was huge letdown. the hand-to-hand combat sequences are pretty bad done, nothing like Marine 4 moving target.

3.10 just for action that's it i thought this was average film not worth it at all nothing is worth to watch this piece of crap movie, witch will letdown Mike Miz fans, people who like movies without story i have no problem with that i like watching movies without story lines in it. you don't need to watch marine movies in order sadly this is letdown he doesn't save any lives he doesn't know how to be a EMT Medic for reason he is not saving anyone lives expect for gangbanger cole sadly i thought he was nothing special character he could of died in movie no point having him in it.

looking forward to see The Marine 6: Close Quarters i hope that will kick the crap out of Marine 5.
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