Review of Kerblam!

Doctor Who: Kerblam! (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
The ideas are still good but again the execution falls short.
18 November 2018
If you are enjoying this season then I am very happy that Doctor Who still speaks to an audience. It's very important that this show still goes on.

But if you believe the quality of the writing and delivery is as good as the show deserves then personally I think you are quiet mistaken.

Doctor Who periodically changes and that is the very core essence of the show. This is what I love the most about the show. It's just a shame that I can't enjoy the changes this time.

I'll be the first to admit that a great annoyance I have (other than some regular bouts of very dry passionless dialogue) is very petty. But I've come to recoil at the repetitive nature of Jodie's use of the sonic screwdriver. It feels like every time she needs to use it, she swings it into action like she's challenging for a duel. Its ludicrous nature works when the device is that over used extension of the Doctor's hand. But she wealds it again and again in that repetitive fashion. It's stupid I know but it makes my teeth itch. lol
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