Apostle (2018)
Modern horror at its finest
17 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is new approach to horror genre, I definitely think that this is the way a modern horror shoud be like. Movie itself is very layered and full of religious simbolism. Set in 1905 it well portrays fears of men that lived in that age. But, the main story is actually a methaphore for modern society. It's about how we see nature and Earth today, and how we treat it. It is noticeable that this movie is homage to The Wiker Man, but it's very well composed so you can't say it's a plagiarism. Also, I think there's a lot of Lars von Trier influence. It reminds me of movie The Witch, too. Despite of not that much known cast, acting is really great. I saw a lot of negative comments about this movie, primarly because of the gore and too much blood. Well, I have to say that this is not movie for everybody, you need to be used to blood on the screen. And also to understand how to find hidden meanings of the plot.
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