Incredible remake
15 November 2018
I quite enjoyed the original The Jungle Book; it's a fun, light-hearted musical. But I enjoyed the 2016 live-action remake even better.

Mowgli is a "mancub" raised among the jungle animals - specifically the wolves. Although he tries hard to be a wolf, the fact that he is human remains a handicap. He is often told "that's not the wolf way". When a drought hits, the river drops, exposing the "Peace Rock". During this time, all animals can come to the water to drink and not be harassed. However, Shere Khan shows up. And while he won't harass or eat anyone while the drought lasts, once the river rises, he will return for Mowgli's blood.

After much argument by the wolves, Mowgli leaves, as "I don't want to see anyone get hurt." Bagheera helps him, intending to take him to the man village.

However, things don't go to plan. Mowgli doesn't want to go. There are a series of adventures and close calls.

The movie is quite exciting. It's a bit rougher (as in more violent) than the original, and some scenes may be scary for young children (my then-5-year-old brother cried at one point the first time he watched). I didn't like the small religious element of the movie, either. However, I did like the movie's themes. It's a fun and exciting adventure.

But it's also got INCREDIBLE special effects, which really raise the benchmark.

A truly brilliant movie.
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