Silent Night (2017)
Do not waste your time on watching this film
14 November 2018
The first reviewer wrote: "Maybe by Polish standards this is jewel". Quite wrong. A list of films made in Poland better than this one would be very long, with this one pretty close to the bottom of the complete list. The actors are not bad, this is true, but the script is nonsensical. There is a German Christmas carol "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht", quite popular in Central Europe, and Cicha noc = Stille Nacht = Quiet night. However, this film title is a mockery. Christmas in this film is nothing but quiet. We have a large number of characters - but wishing them well on the part of the viewer would be difficult - perhaps except for the mother of Adam and except for the young girl. The Netherlands are presented as so far away as if in the southern hemisphere. Why the girlfriend of the main hero did not visit him repeatedly during his stay abroad? Why is the grandfather of Adam described early as very drunk, while throughout the film he is making more sense than the most of them? If you wish to see a good Polish comedy made just one year before this one, watch Planeta singli = The Planet of the singles.
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