this is even worst than zombie 90 extreme pestilence movie
12 November 2018
For years I searched to find a zombie movie that is worst than that german amateur effort called zombie 90: extreme pestilence movie and I found it. at least that movie was a real zombie movie with lots of gore. bad movie yes. auful gore yes. but at least it was a zombie movie. this movie killing birds is also bad in every way but it's not even a real zombie movie. even the title is false and misleading. if u want to check one of the worst officially called zombie movies ever made then this is for you.

to get a clue even the bad zombie 3 and zombie 4 after death sequel movies to the fulci 1979 classic zombie film (zombie 2 dawn of the dead) ARE MASTERPIECES COMPARED TO THIS FLICK for the only worth element in this flick it's........THE TITLE ITSELF.
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